
Online Document Verification: A Comprehensive Guide for Startups 

Online document verification is essential to build the trust of the clients, increase surveillance, and regulate the operations of the companies. It is very crucial to comply with the regulations so that businesses can rank them globally. These rules prevent the companies from fraudulent activities. The biometric solutions ensure that the same individual is trying to log in to the account. This is necessary for building the trust of the users and retaining them for a longer period. In 2023, Indonesia faced 6.51 thousand phishing attacks, due to such a large amount, companies are integrating with the latest technology.

Understanding Document Verification Solutions

The biometric system is used to certify that the claimed identity of the person is the same as the actual profile. For this purpose, the scanner performs the document checking, so that the validity of the user is properly verified. Companies must have to use this system in their daily operations so that they can streamline their daily regulations. When organizations onboard their client, they certify that the customers are not involved in any mysterious act. This is beneficial for both the organizations and the customers, as it saves their time and expenses.

Why is Verification of Identity Documents Crucial?

The banking sector must have to use the latest technology to onboard clients, open their accounts, and monitor their activity. When the new client applies for the account, the scanner compares its face, eye, sound or overall facial features with the already stored template. If both match this means that the identity of the customer is valid, the user verification is rejected and is not passed to the further steps. This also helps the business in compliance with the regulations of the government. It is not just about compliance and security, but even it enhances the experience of the users. It facilitates them and provides them with products according to their choice. The Know Your Customer (KYC) documents are the soft form of the papers, the customers do not have to submit the hard copy of their record.

Which Steps Are Involved in the Verification of the Documents?

Multiple steps are involved to check the authenticity of the papers, it depends on the type of businesses and the products that they are dealing with.

  1. Two Factor Authentication

This authentication is sometimes called the 2FA, this is done to increase the security of the online document checker. It involves the password sent on the phone or sometimes the fingerprint of the user so that only authentic persons get access to the account.

  1. Knowledge-Based Authentications

This involves answering the security questions, the screen displays some queries and the user has to respond to them. This is knowledge-based authentication, which is usually done while creating an account. For example the address of the house and the name of the mother of the customer.

  1. Biometric Verification

In this type of validation, the system matches the unique features of the customer, such as the iris, pupil, fingerprints and sound. No two persons have the same prints, therefore such type of verification is the most trending.

  1. Phone Verification

Phone authentication is the same as email verification, in this type of authentication, a code is sent to the registered phone number of the customer. This is called the One-Time-Password (OTP), and the customer has to insert it into the verification system.

Pros of the KYC Document Verification

The usage of the online document verification system is trending because of its remarkable advantages. The main feature of these solutions is that they secure the credentials of the company and its clients. It mitigates all kinds of fraudulent activities and allows only authentic customers to interact with the company. The organization must integrate these tools so that it can compound the probability of their success rate. The online document verification is very swift in that it checks the validity of the customer in seconds. If the client has submitted fake or photoshopped papers, then such frauds are detected a second. The documents of the clients are the proof of their identity, in this way, the company gets the comprehensive data of their users and certifies that the customer is safe to collaborate with.


Online document verification has simplified the daily tasks of the companies, as the employees do not have to perform manual documentation. The advanced tools onboard the clients and check their validity. In addition to this, they also monitor their activity and keep their updated record. The companies that are following these guidelines are seeing a remarkable rise in their revenue, and they are secured against heavy penalties

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